The game is played on a three-by-three (3x3) square grid of blank spaces, where cards will be placed as the game progresses. Each card has four numbers (known as stats) placed in bottom right corner; each number corresponds to one of the four sides of the card. These numbers range from one to nine, and ❤ representing ten. In a basic game each player has five cards. A coin-flip decision is made to decide which of the two players will begin. The player who wins the coin toss may then choose a card to play anywhere on the grid. After the first card is played, the opposing player may then play a card on any unoccupied space on the board. The game continues with players' turns alternating in this fashion. Players may use colored 'counters' to mark control of a card.
To win, a majority of the total ten cards in play (including the one card that is not placed on the board) must be of the player's control. To capture a card, the player must place cards adjacent to an opponent's card, whereupon the 'stats' of the sides where the two cards touch will be compared. If the stat of the player's card is higher than the opponent's card, the opponent's card will be captured and placed into the player's control. If the opponent's stat is higher than the players's card, no capture will take place. Capturing can only occur during that player's turn, and no other opponent can capture a card during said turn. A 'draw' will occur if the player and the opponent possess equal numbers of cards in their color on the board. Depending on alternate card rules, this can be defined by a 'sudden death' scenario where the first person to capture a card in a new game wins, or by playing until a winner is defined. The winner claims a prize of taking one or more of the loser's cards, depending upon the rules in effect.
A player's hand may only contain one copy of any one card. Multiple cards containing the same model are allowed as long as they are from a different set release. Player's may choose to hide or reveal their hand based on which rules are in effect.
Random Deck: Your hand is choosen randomly from your deck.
Open: Your hand is revealed the entire game.
Same: With this rule if your card's strength is equal to at least 2 adjacent opponent cards, you'll flip the cards.
Plus: With this rule, if you play a card which strengths add up to the same value on two or more adjacent cards of the opponent, you'll flip the cards.
Combo: Using this rule every time you flip a card with Same or Plus, it will be considered as if it was just played, and so it'll flip the adjacent opponent cards it beats again.
Deathmatch: In case of a draw, the game restarts with the same rules and cards until someone wins.